Saturday, April 30, 2011

Weep with those that weep

I have two very special girlfriends who mean the world to me.  One is a childhood friend, who was more like a sister growing up and remains my dear friend today.  Words could never express how much she has meant to me in my life.  The other is a friend found in adulthood who is also much like a sister and has been a gift from God at just the right times.

Both of these dear women of God have passed through the fire in the past few years, and I'm talking major, life altering, faith shaking fire.  Their trials have been completely different from each other, but they both have had to learn to live a "new normal".  

I understand what the Bible means when it talks about rejoicing with those who rejoice and weeping with those who weep.  I have wept with and for both of these friends.  

Oh, there has been plenty of rejoicing as well, mostly in the form of unabashed laughter.  

Today, my heart weeps for them both.  Not because I think they've gotten a rotten deal, not at all.  They are both learning invaluable life lessons about God that possibly could not be learned if not for the pain.  They both are becoming stronger and more beautiful through the fire and I have witnessed this firsthand.  I don't weep out of pity for them.  I weep because the fire burns.  I weep because sometimes God is silent.  I weep because I wish I could help them in a tangible way but I don't think I can.  I weep because God tells me to weep with them.

If they read this blog, I'm sure they will know who they are.  You both have been and are tremendous examples to me.  Your life is of great value and I see you becoming more and more beautiful.  I'm so sorry the fire burns so.  I wish there was some other way, I truly do.   I admire your steadfastness, your faith in God, that has wavered on some days, but remains intact  and strong today.

Keep looking up.  I love you both dearly.  There is a new day coming!


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Out of the mouths of babes

Lucas is five and is asking a ton of questions about God and Jesus, which he reminds me often, are both God.  He is starting to understand that God can do anything, so he prays with childlike faith, never doubting.  I am learning a lot from him.  Here are some of his sweetest and funniest prayers of late:

"God, please help our apartments in Pichanaki get bigger."

"God, I hope you will make this day go by faster than normal so Dad can get home sooner."

"God, please make the days go by faster until You come here to Earth."

"God, please keep us healthy, even though we don't eat healthy food."

"God, thank you for Nana and Papaw letting us stay in their house."

"God, thank you that Jesus died on the cross."

"God, I hope you can make Mommy's tummy better."

"God, help Brownie to grow bigger so he won't be in a biting mood."

"God, I hope the trip to Pichanaki won't be so long."

"God, thank you for our comfty beds and stuff."

"God, please keep Nana and Papaw safe."

"God, I hope you can help us tell lots of people about you in Pichanaki."

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Jesus Is Alive

Here in Peru, where Catholicism is the national religion, Semana Santa (Holy Week) is recognized, celebrated, and important to most people.  In Peru, there are numerous reenactments of Jesus' crucifixion in different towns and hundreds will gather in the streets to watch.  There are parades, special services, special meals and according to El Comercio, the main newspaper here, Catholicism is alive and well.

Easter Sunday is also recognized, but doesn't seem to hold the same importance as Good Friday.  In most Catholic churches, there are crucifixes everywhere, with Jesus on the cross.  This is the main focus.

It's wonderful that Jesus' death is remembered, reenacted, and talked about during this week.  Without His shed blood, there would be no remission of sins.  By His stripes we are healed.  However, if Jesus had died that dark day many years ago, had been buried and had stayed in that tomb, rotting like every other human in history, all hope would be lost.  The fact is, He did have to shed His blood, according to God's great plan, but the beauty, the hope, the joy is in His victory over that death.  He didn't stay dead.  He came back to life!  Even a child can see and feel the wonder and awe of this.

What separates true Christianity from every other "faith" in this world is that our Savior was a human who lived a perfect life on Earth, allowed Himself to be brutalized, mocked and executed Roman style, and resurrected to tell about it.

I cannot even imagine the elation and wide eyes there must have been among His followers who had watched Him die, then saw Him walking, talking, smiling......ALIVE.  Can you?

Jesus' resurrection really is the bedrock of our Christian faith.  We have a risen Savior.  Death could not keep Him, the grave could not hold Him.  Just because we have never seen Him doesn't mean He's not real.  He lives in me.  That is all the "proof" I need.  I know He lives and I know I will see Him one day.


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

the i-marriage

Brent and I love to listen to Andy Stanley's messages online.  God has given Andy a gift of teaching and he consistently explains concepts and principles from the Bible in a fresh, understandable way.  If you've never heard him speak, it would be worth your time to look him up.

Recently, we have been listening to a 3 week marriage series Andy did called "the i-marriage".  Well, it is rocking my world.  I have read lots of marriage books,  have been to several marriage conferences, been in church all my life and have lived almost 17 years of marital bliss, but am hearing ideas and thoughts about marriage I've never heard before. 

I have actually heard someone say once that marriage was easy.  I laughed.  I've heard of a marriage scored on a scale of 1-10, winning a 9.   I wanted to laugh.   We all know marriage is a living, breathing, changing organism called a relationship.  It is hard.  It will always be hard.  If it were easy, there would be no need for the thousands of books, seminars, workshops, conferences, counselors, sermons and professionals who address it.  Divorce wouldn't be the norm, inside and outside of the church.

I know there is always more to learn and miles to go before my marriage is perfect.  I also know I would not want to walk this road or figure it all out with anyone but Brent.

I won't try to reword or summarize Andy's lessons, I'll just list a few ideas that are twirling around in my brain and heart these days........

1) Brent owes me absolutely nothing.

2) Unconditional love is impossible to give or receive in a debt-debtor relationship.

3) When the Bible says "as to the Lord" (in reference to love and respect in marriage), it may just be literal.  

4) God has given spouses to each other as the physical manifestation of His love ~ Brent should know and experience God's love through me.

It's all heavy stuff and a bit complicated when it comes to practical, every day living, but has been a breath of fresh air for us and a challenge as well.  

This series could be a life changer for you, or maybe a marriage saver.  Listen to it!  I'd love to hear your thoughts.


Sunday, April 3, 2011

Because sometimes they just deserve it.