Friday, June 24, 2011

I wonder

As I gaze out my bedroom window at the snow white and gloriously puffy clouds, lazily making their way across the clear blue sky, I wonder. 
 As I study the dark green of the mountains that look like a wonderful, enormous head of brocolli, I wonder.  
As I feel the hot-cool air from the fan, grade my daughter's math, answer a question about rewards from my son, laugh hard at my other son's antics, sweep my shiny, tiled floors, I wonder.  
As I reflect on God's love for me, my smallness and His bigness, as I read His letter to me and strive to understand it, I wonder. 
 I wonder why He chose me.  
I wonder why He loves me.  
I wonder how He can know my innermost thoughts and desires and still want to spend time with me. 
 I wonder why He chose to place me in a third world country, so far from the familiar and family, yet strangely, at times, home. 
I wonder why He chose to grace me with a loving husband and 3 healthy children. 

 My wondering could go on for days, weeks, months.  So much I don't understand.  So much I will never comprehend.  So many questions, and really only one answer for now. 
 God is.  God is love. 
 I don't need to understand or deserve what He gives.  He created me after all.  I am but a tiny dot in His gigantic universe.  
So small, but so loved.  
What a wonder!!!


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