Monday, July 25, 2011

"Special" days

My kids are always wanting to do something "special" or have a "special" day or a "special" dessert.  I understand this because I love special things and events too!

What I am trying to learn and teach is that each moment is SPECIAL!  Today is worth celebrating.  Right now is special and wonderful.  Each day is a gift, each moment a celebration of life.

Sounds romantic and even spiritual, doesn't it?

So, even the moment when sweat is pouring down my back, one child is whining, the other making a mess - even THIS moment is special???

So, when the whole day has seemed a waste of energy, time and resources - even THIS day is worth celebrating???

So, the minutes of illness, the minutes of strife, the minutes of gritty life - even THESE minutes are worth praising God for???


Every moment is a praiseworthy moment.  Every minute is made for joy and celebration.  Each day is a beautiful, extravagant gift from the Creator of all things Himself.

Even TODAY and RIGHT NOW - let's praise Him together!

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