Friday, February 10, 2012

Ashaninka volume 21

Update from last week: I saw baby Driu and he is a little better, but still has a fever and stomach infection.  He and his family have been gone for three weeks, unable to return home until the witch doctor received his pay.  Driu's father had to find work here and there until he could pay.  We will continue to pray for this family.

Edison is a little better but not completely and still has some odd and painful symptoms.  Although he was feeling poorly, he stayed for the Bible study and said he and Kati would try to make it to church on Sunday night, something they haven't done yet.  God is his Father now, and he did indeed seem like a different person.

Some people use bug repellent to ward off mosquitos.  Not Eduardo.  I was shocked to see a fire burning in the middle of their living room floor!  Granted, the floor is dirt, but the second floor is all wood.  Apparently, you can smoke mosquitos out of the house!  Who knew?

As we talked, Kelly was cooking supper in the outdoor kitchen.  I asked what she was cooking and she said "cutpe" - which is a huge mountain rodent.  Thankfully, we were not invited to stay.

Our hearts are more burdened than ever to reach these people.  Thank you to all who are praying with us.

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